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วันอังคารที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558


Code: Battle Seraph
ClassCode: Battle Seraph
WeaponNasod Gear, Electron Beams
Class TreeEve > Code: Electra > Code: Battle Seraph
Alternate NamesFlag-kr.png 코드 배틀세라프
Flag-us.png Code Battle Seraph
Flag-it.png Angelo Nasod
Flag-gb.png Nasod Battle Seraph
Flag-fr.png Séraphin Nasod
Flag-jp.png コードバトルセラフ
Chinese Flag.png 炽天女王
Flag-pl.png Nazo-Serafin
Flag br.png Código: Serafim
Spanish Flag.png Serafín de batalla nasod
Release DateKorean Flag.png 30 August 2012
Flag-us.png September 4th, 2013
Chinese Flag.png 11 September 2013
Europeanunion.png 18 September 2013
Bresil Flag.png 09 April 2014
Code: Battle Seraph
Attack Range:MeleeMediumLong
For the resurrection of the Nasod Kingdom.

Code: Battle Seraph


Upon advancing to Code: Battle Seraph, Eve gains the power to utilize sharper and more formulated lasers. She is feared on the battle field, but not for her improved laser and electron abilities alone.
She greatly enhances her El Crystal Spectrum capabilities, allowing her to access a plethora of new tools. With the "Reactive Mode" she is capable of transforming her Electrons and Beams into deadly homing attacks. UtilizingEnergetic Heart she also wields the fourth and final "Fusion Mode" for it's duration. The Fusion mode combines all of the 3 of her previous modes, Amplify, Spectrum and Reactive, into one mode, allowing for incredible damage to her enemies.
With High-power Electronic Circuit her movement abilities are also improved drastically, allowing her to quickly move around the battlefield as she sees fit. Should she need to turn the tide of the battle in her favor, she can call upon her ultimate power in Psychic Artillery to defeat her enemies.


As Eve adapts to the Electra Code, she hears of another unfamiliar circuitry from Ponggos. At first, her search leads to a faulty circuit with missing parts. Her succeeding mission to complete the circuit involves a visit to Nasods in Altera Core to retrieve traces of the code, and an encounter with King Nasod for another piece of code.
This new code circuit seems to be compatible with the Electra Code, but she needs a great amount of energy to fuel it. She's about to abandon the mission when the Ponggos give her the answer: the dark El can provide sizable energy she can use. This leads to another problem—dark energy can be too difficult to control in this code circuit. Luckily, Eve's fellow El search party member Aisha shares the idea of fusing the dark El with a moonstone to make it easier to control. It works, but not for long.
Eve finds the new code crashed often with the Electra Code, and it is because of human elements that mechanized creatures like her shouldn't even have: emotions from memories accumulated throughout her adventures with the El Search Party. Even though terminating all emotion seems too high a price, she gives in. Eve becomes Code: Battle Seraph, a powerful, soaring, enhanced laser-emitting fighter, and an unstoppable force destined to usher in the rebirth of the Nasod Kingdom. 

Second Class Advancement

At Lv35, Code: Electra can advance into Code: Battle Seraph. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Code: Battle Seraph can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: El Core of the SeraphBSInstantjob.png.

Code: Battle Seraph

  1. Speak with Adel in Altera Village.
  2. Collect 7 Memory Alloys from any Nasod monsters in Altera.
    • Destroy 90 Nasod Units in Altera Core 4-6
    • Collect 4 King Nasod Cores from Nasod King in Altera Core 4-6.
      • 4 rounds of Normal Mode is sufficient.
  3. Speak with Lento in Feita.
  4. Collect 40 Moonstones from Glitter Necromancers in Feita.
    • Recommended 5-3 Very Hard Mode top path in party


Code: Electra
ClassCode: Electra
WeaponNasod Gear, Electron Beams
Class TreeEve > Code: Electra > Code: Battle Seraph
Alternate NamesFlag-kr.png 코드 일렉트라
Flag-us.png Code Electra
Flag-gb.png Nasod Electra
Flag-de.png Nasod Elektra
Flag-fr.png Nasod-Elektra
Flag-jp.png コードエレクトラ
Flag-it.png Electra Nasod
Chinese Flag.png 唤雷师
Flag-pl.png Nazo-Elektra
Flag br.png Código: Electra
Release DateKorean Flag.png 26 January 2012
Chinese Flag.png 6 February 2013
Flag-us.png April 3rd, 2013
Europeanunion.png 10 April 2013
Bresil Flag.png 02 April 2014
Code: Electra
Attack Range:MeleeMediumLong
The Electra Code... I've finally found it

Code: Electra


The "Electra Code" embodies the power of the El, harnessed and translated by Eve into a useable code. In turn, Eve utilizes the code to construct a functional Nasod device: the El energy reactor. The power of the El is easily manipulated by Eve, expressed with high-powered electron beams. Beautifully lethal, Eve can unleash various forms of El-force generated by the El energy reactor as she pleases. 


The Nasod Queen Eve may be small in stature, but one must not see this as a limitation to her capabilities. Upon searching within her configuration and using up all her strength to power the Nasod Core, she discovers the Electra code, which utilizes the power of El conveyed in the form of electron beams and spheres. Eve is able to deal these lethal attacks with ease, displaying abilities that only a true Nasod Queen is worthy to possess.
Becoming the embodiment of Code Electra, Eve is filled with hope that the revival of the Nasod race in its former glory will soon be realized. 

First Class Advancement

After completing the Another Code quest chain, Eve can decide between advancing as a Code: Exotic,Code: Architecture or Code: Electra.
Code: Electra can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Code: Electra's DataEl.png.

Code: Electra

  1. Speak to Lenphad, Blacksmith in Elder Village
  2. Collect 1 Spectral Prism from William Phoru (Boss) in 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆). 
  3. Collect 1 Laser Emitter from Wally No.8 (Boss) in 2-5 on any difficulty. 
  4. Complete 2-5 once on Very Hard (☆☆☆). 
At Lv35, a Code: Electra can advance into Code: Battle Seraph

Skill Tree

SpectrumDynamics.pngRPassive4.pngLevel 15 (3 SP)
ParticleRay.pngEnergy Conversion.PNGLevel 25 (3 SP) (7 SP, 2 SP)
SweepRolling.pngTri Vulcan.pngPhotonFlare.pngLevel 30 (3 SP)
PhotonBooster.pngElegant Steps.PNGLevel 35 (3 SP)
Linear Divider.pngGigaStream.pngMega Electronball.PNGLevel 40 (3 SP)

Additional Combos


Code: Empress
ClassCode: Empress
WeaponNasod Gears, Nasod Assistants: Oberon, Ophelia, Ferdinand
Class TreeEve > Code: Architecture > Code: Empress
Alternate NamesFlag-kr.png 코드 엠프레스
Flag-us.png Code Empress
Flag-gb.png Nasod Empress
Flag-fr.png Impératrice Nasod
Flag-jp.png コードエンプレス
Flag-it.png Imperatrice Nasod
Flag br.png Código: Imperatriz
Chinese Flag.png 创造女皇
Flag-pl.png Nazo-Cesarzowa
Spanish Flag.png Emperatriz nasod
ArtistsConcept: RESS
Portrait: RESS
Skill Cutin: RESS/흑주돈
Release DateKorean Flag.png 18 February 2010
Europeanunion.png 24 November 2011
Flag-us.png December 14th, 2011
Chinese Flag.png 14 March 2012
Code: Empress
Attack Range:MeleeMediumLong
Ophelia, Oberon. Let's get this over with.

Code: Empress


After she completed her new Nasod servant, Ophelia, Eve advanced to Code: Empress and gained a pleathora of new attacks and abilities. Ophelia, unlike Oberon, wields a variety of magical based attacks through the range of electronics she has at her disposal.
Ophelia can either launch a powerful attack from afar, or unleash a devasting attack from close range should Eve see fit. Ophelia's great variety of attack possiblities goes hand in hand with Oberon's to give Code: Empress the upperhand in any battle!
Should a battle wage long enough, Eve can summon her third and final Nasod servant, Ferdinand, with Code: Thunderbolt.


Eve started to realize she reached battle limitations with Oberon, so she decided to construct an improved Nasod Robot, named Ophelia to help Eve and Oberon in battle. Together Oberon and Ophelia combine their attacks, launching surprise attacks that leave their enemies flustered. With a throne of numerous Nasod servants, bring victory from battle as an Elegant Ruler, the Code: Empress

Second Class Advancement

At Lv35, Code: Architecture can advance into Code: Empress. The second class advancement quest is obtained from Ariel, the event NPC located in every town.
Code Empress can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Empress's TiaraEt.png.

Code: Empress

  1. Talk to Altera Chief Adel in Altera.
  2. Collect 1 Nasod Common Core from any Nasod monster in Altera. [Rare or Extremely rare drop]
  3. Collect:
    • 20 Electromagnetic Field Motors from Nasod Scout Type-L in 4-6.
      • Recommended playing only the first stage of 4-6 on very hard due to having 2 of them there.Will save a lot of time.
    • 10 Alchemy Essences
      • You can buy them from the Alchemist for 1000 ED.
  4. Talk to Lento in Feita
  5. Collect drops from monster throughout the Feita region:
    • 45 Fine Screw from any Glitter monsters.
    • 20 Soft Cloth from Lantern Fly.
    • 15 Golem Cores from any Golem monsters.

Skill Tree

CAPassive1.pngSTPassive2.pngLevel 35 (4 SP)
CASActive5.pngCMA1.pngSI Chargingbooster.pngLevel 45 (4 SP)
SI Assaultspear.pngCASActive2.pngLevel 50 (4 SP)
CMSA1.pngSpitfire-Grenade.pngTesla Shock.pngLevel 55 (5 SP)
CEmPassive1.pngCEmPassive2.pngLevel 60 (5 SP)
CT1.pngLevel 65 (10 SP)