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วันอังคารที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558


Code: Electra
ClassCode: Electra
WeaponNasod Gear, Electron Beams
Class TreeEve > Code: Electra > Code: Battle Seraph
Alternate NamesFlag-kr.png 코드 일렉트라
Flag-us.png Code Electra
Flag-gb.png Nasod Electra
Flag-de.png Nasod Elektra
Flag-fr.png Nasod-Elektra
Flag-jp.png コードエレクトラ
Flag-it.png Electra Nasod
Chinese Flag.png 唤雷师
Flag-pl.png Nazo-Elektra
Flag br.png Código: Electra
Release DateKorean Flag.png 26 January 2012
Chinese Flag.png 6 February 2013
Flag-us.png April 3rd, 2013
Europeanunion.png 10 April 2013
Bresil Flag.png 02 April 2014
Code: Electra
Attack Range:MeleeMediumLong
The Electra Code... I've finally found it

Code: Electra


The "Electra Code" embodies the power of the El, harnessed and translated by Eve into a useable code. In turn, Eve utilizes the code to construct a functional Nasod device: the El energy reactor. The power of the El is easily manipulated by Eve, expressed with high-powered electron beams. Beautifully lethal, Eve can unleash various forms of El-force generated by the El energy reactor as she pleases. 


The Nasod Queen Eve may be small in stature, but one must not see this as a limitation to her capabilities. Upon searching within her configuration and using up all her strength to power the Nasod Core, she discovers the Electra code, which utilizes the power of El conveyed in the form of electron beams and spheres. Eve is able to deal these lethal attacks with ease, displaying abilities that only a true Nasod Queen is worthy to possess.
Becoming the embodiment of Code Electra, Eve is filled with hope that the revival of the Nasod race in its former glory will soon be realized. 

First Class Advancement

After completing the Another Code quest chain, Eve can decide between advancing as a Code: Exotic,Code: Architecture or Code: Electra.
Code: Electra can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Code: Electra's DataEl.png.

Code: Electra

  1. Speak to Lenphad, Blacksmith in Elder Village
  2. Collect 1 Spectral Prism from William Phoru (Boss) in 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆). 
  3. Collect 1 Laser Emitter from Wally No.8 (Boss) in 2-5 on any difficulty. 
  4. Complete 2-5 once on Very Hard (☆☆☆). 
At Lv35, a Code: Electra can advance into Code: Battle Seraph

Skill Tree

SpectrumDynamics.pngRPassive4.pngLevel 15 (3 SP)
ParticleRay.pngEnergy Conversion.PNGLevel 25 (3 SP) (7 SP, 2 SP)
SweepRolling.pngTri Vulcan.pngPhotonFlare.pngLevel 30 (3 SP)
PhotonBooster.pngElegant Steps.PNGLevel 35 (3 SP)
Linear Divider.pngGigaStream.pngMega Electronball.PNGLevel 40 (3 SP)

Additional Combos

